Agrovita social
Social responsibility program where we are collaborating with other organizations led by PROFOREST, it runs in the state of Chiapas, and includes training and installation of a garden demonstration for the community in three distinct areas of the state.
We accompany the transformation process of extremely marginalized Wixaritari communities, creating in a comprehensive and synergistic way conditions for social, environmental, economic and cultural sustainability, responding to the emergence of their needs and taking access to water through irrigation systems as a starting point. rainwater collection, which has led to a drastic improvement in the health of the inhabitants.

Tierra Fértil
Project born from the alliance with Chain BC to counteract the damage by the earthquake of 2017 in the community of Miguel Hidalgo is located in Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas. Start this project with the installation of a school garden, and educational workshops to mitigate the various impacts of the community, such as limited access to healthy foods.
We are grateful to our funders who make it possible for the Food Sovereignty