a team full of virtues and talents

Our team is composed by excellent professionals who are committed to social change. 


Liliana Riva Palacio

Director General

Founder and engine Concentrate. Is a psychologist and educational, actress, clown and lighting designer for the performing arts. He has over 25 years of experience working with children. Directs the association from its foundation, is co-author of The window is Infinite and an expert in the development of resilience in children.

Lourdes Vargas

Institutional Development

Studies on Women's Human Rights and Gender Justice by the CENEJYD, is an Artist and Stage of training for the Home Theatre BC, with a specialty in Clown School-Clown de Barcelona. It has developed professionally as an entrepreneur of cultural and artistic projects, she has experience in fundraising and finance.

Cynthia Uscanga

Address of Programs

Degree in Social Work from the UNAM and has a Diploma in capacity-building policies for CSOS. He is currently studying for a Master's degree in Agro-ecology, land and food Sovereignty by the UCIRed. He has experience in diagnosing, monitoring and evaluation; design, planning and execution of social projects and has been responsible for the execution of various projects in various states of the mexican Republic.

Andrea Perez Gil


A degree in Communication with a Master's degree in Audiovisual Production. He studied the Specialty in Counseling and Human Development, and the Specialty in Piscoterapia Gestalt in the Institute of Humanistic Psychotherapy, Gestalt, and acts as a therapist's emotional for adults and teaches workshops focused on human development.

Institutional Development

Paulina Chavez


A degree in International Business and Trade by the UAQ, has a Diploma in Human Rights of Groups in Situation of Vulnerability by the CNDH Mexico, is part of the network of UN Volunteers. Account with professional development in the area of Foreign Trade and Logistics, International Relations, and Supply Chain.

Laura Tolentino


Graphic design in the Faculty of Estudios Superiores Acatlán, UNAM. She was a teacher of drawing and painting in the House of the Youth, DIF. Partner of the project "Painting and movement" with workshops of artistic expression and body for children and adolescents. He has participated as a volunteer at the Center for Youth Integration, Atizapán. Photographer, with experience of art as an expression, a Figurative oil paintings, Body Paint, body Painting and Characterization, is currently studying Herbalism Medicinal Institute Tzapin of Complementary Medicines.

Moses Velázquez

Social Networks

Studied Bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Technologies applied to Education, from the Autonomous University of Chiapas. With a specialty in Digital tools by the National System of Distance Education. Various courses in digital content, design and video.

Margarita Maya López


Cristian Ramirez Hernandez

Asistente de Administración y Contabilidad

Jorge Gabriel Rojas Jiménez



Hugo Romero

Technical Advisor

Engineering in agricultural Ecology at the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, UACH. Tallerista and collaborator in the process of community management and training agroecological for more than 15 years, fascinated by the processes of regeneration of the land and the exchange of knowledge and ancestral knowledge in the area of Food Sovereignty.

Sonia Serrano

Project coordinator

Biologist graduated from the UNAM, with a master's degree in Natural Resource Management in Tropical, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Committed to the protection, management and sustainable use of natural resources.

Fernanda Cano

Project coordinator

International relations in the ITAM, has studies on social capital and community development, cultural diplomacy, international migration, and herbal gynecological. She has specialized in working with women and promotion of indigenous rights.

Atena Salgado

Project coordinator

He studied psychology at UNAM. It has been developed in the community work with children, and the creation of recreational activities. Collaborated in the Universum Science Museum, implementing workshops for the dissemination of scientific information for girls and boys.

Ray Tobon

Field logistics

Worked in the Schools program Blue in Huautla de Jimenez, Oaxaca. He has specialized in the logistics and operation of community work, he Has been coordinator and collaborator in the construction of the Community Center in The Onion Mezquitic, Jalisco.

Brenda Perez


A graduate of the National School of Social Work, UNAM. His academic activities have allowed him to develop into issues of gender perspective, gender-based violence, gender diversity, child abuse, human trafficking, and human rights. Is currently pursuing a Specialization of Social Work in Models of Intervention with Young people in the UNAM

Oscar Romo

Logistics coordinator

Engineer Industrial and Systems with outstanding experience in the validation of products and systems in production environments. With a meticulous approach and strong technical skills, guarantee the precision and reliability of products in various industries.

Alí García

Solidarity economy

Especialista en gestión del territorio e incidencia local. Con mas de 14 años de experiencia en trabajo con asociaciaciones, cooperativas, sociedades de producción rural, instituciones públicas. Promotor de los derechos humanos e impulsor de la agroecología, la economía social y solidaria. Ha participado en diversos proyectos en beneficio de las comunidades rurales e indígenas de Chiapas.


Luis Omar

Link Wixarika

Ingeniero Ambiental por el Instituto Tecnológico de Tlajomulco, Jalisco. Cuenta con experiencia docente en diversas instituciones educativas de nivel básico y media superior. Cuenta con diversos cursos sobre manejo de residuos y cuidado ambiental.


Link Wixarika
